News: Vancouver Tool Library

Paul Kilpatrick
VANCOUVER – Sustainability Television Update
July 14, 2011
Vancouver will have a new library opening this weekend, only this is not a library in the conventional sense. Everyone is familiar with libraries and how they work; they are places to read, reference or borrow books and reading material. Now the same concept of lending and borrowing is being applied to tools with the new Vancouver Tool Library (VTL).
The Vancouver Tool Library will be located at 3448 Commercial Drive and is a non-profit Community Service Cooperative with free membership (after an initial $20 share purchase). There will be no charge for members to borrow tools. As the VTL develops and the available tool inventory grows, members will be able to find tools for many tasks ranging from home repair, gardening and bike repair (such as wireless drills, ladders, Hex keys, brake wrenches, rakes, pipe cutters, and much, much more).
Individual tool ownership can be an expensive and space wasting investment for many who typically only need specific tools infrequently. Being able to access the collective tool supply of a community rather than having to buy or rent a tool whenever the need arises will reduce waste, save money, and connect neighbours – all factors that contribute to more sustainable living.
The people running the VTL are all volunteers, motivated by a vision of an empowered community fostering supportive initiatives for creating vibrant, interconnected neighbourhoods.
More information about the new Vancouver Tool Library can be found at their website: