Corporate Member Profile

Corporate Member Profile: 
Green Kids Incorporated (Green Kids) is a non-profit, live-theatre group, and the only charity in Canada dedicated solely to environmental education for young people through performance. Our Vision: Children changing the world. Our Mission: To educate children and teachers on environmental issues and to inspire them to take positive action towards protecting our environment. Our Method: Environmental education in elementary and middle schools through live theatre.
Industry Leadership: 
Our Approach: Green Kids has never been more relevant, timely or necessary. As the challenges facing our environment emerge to the forefront of Canadian and global consciousness, it is imperative that we teach children about our environment and the positive impact they can still have on the future of our planet. With all of the talk in the media about global-warming, extreme weather and other environmental crises facing the world, the negative news can be scary for children.
Community Involvement: 
For Green Kids, the goal is to see the next generation of Canadians growing up with “green dreams” on their mind, not nightmares. Green Kids seeks to empower children by providing them with facts about environmental issues in a positive manner, and then equipping them with simple but effective tools to live “greenly”.
Workplace Environment: 
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5 Important things you should know about us!: 


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