Corporate Member Profile

Corporate Member Profile: 
Upcycle the Gyres Society (UpGyres) was registered and incorporated as a not-for profit organization on June 27, 2012 in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. UpGyres works to: Stop plastic from getting into the ocean by promoting to reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, rethink and upcycle plastic waste on land. Clean the ocean by sustainably recovering marine plastic pollution and transforming it into revenue streams.
Industry Leadership: 
UpGyres is creating the industry of regenerative marine waste recovery and upcycling.
Community Involvement: 
UpGyres will work in local and remote landlocked and coastal communities as well as in major urban centres.
Workplace Environment: 
Upcycle the Gyres Society is a diverse community of people working together to accelerate existing eco-tourism, upcycling, and marine plastic harvesting practices into clean-up action of the ocean currents. We consist of a multinational group of business and sustainability leaders, environmentalists, and innovators. The initiative is based around the globe and our work environment is virtual. When plastic to fuel operations on land materialize, the environment will be in a recycling and processing centre.
5 Important things you should know about us!: 

1. There are an estimated 142 billion kilos or 315 billion pounds of plastic waste swirling in the oceans.
2. Upgyres believes we can't afford not to clean this up and recover the energy and value from it.
3. When recovered with the right equipment and method, this trash could potentially contribute revenues and value added by the hundreds of millions and create a modest amount of jobs at sea and ports while helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
4. At UpGyres, we are committed to a regenerative approach to development with aggressive, cost-effective, zero-impact exploration potential for ocean remediation in all of the Marine Garbage Convergence Zones
5. We are focused on consensus-building, technological innovation, and cleanup!

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10 years 5 months


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