Corporate Member Profile

Corporate Member Profile: 
Our mission: Engaging Individuals to take Greater Responsibility for Improving their Community Environments. Keep America Beautiful believes that each of us holds an obligation to preserve and protect our environment. Through our everyday choices and actions, we collectively have a huge impact on our world. It's really a simple concept, but one with far reaching effects. Keep America Beautiful follows a practical approach that unites citizens, businesses and government to find solutions that advance our core issues of preventing litter, reducing waste, and beautifying communities.
Industry Leadership: 
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Community Involvement: 
The diverse American landscape consists of many different "community environments," each with their own interconnected needs and challenges. With a national network of nearly 1000 local affiliates and participating organizations, we combine education with hands-on stewardship to address the needs of communities on an intensely local and effective level. We have nearly 600 local affiliates in communities across the U.S., and more than 400 non-affiliated participating organizations including nonprofit organizations, state and local government.
Workplace Environment: 
Stay tuned...
5 Important things you should know about us!: 

With touchpoints in communities across America, KAB combines education with hands-on stewardship and volunteer activities from coast to coast.

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