Corporate Member Profile

Corporate Member Profile: 
Metro Vancouver’s award-winning video series highlights topics you may not consider when you think about living in our region. Where are the next million people in our region going to live? How do you bore a water tunnel under Grouse mountain? Why is eating fiber linked to generating electricity? Can you use light to disinfect drinking water? Plus you’ll never guess what we found in your garbage. Clean air, safe drinking water, waste reduction and more. Get behind the scenes through the major projects, cutting-edge science and innovative solutions that sustain our livable region.
Industry Leadership: 
On March 28, 2014 the Board endorsed the new Board Strategic Plan that articulates the role of Metro Vancouver in the region, its vision for the region, and strategic direction for the action areas within Metro Vancouver. The Plan provides staff, member municipalities, the public and other stakeholders a clear sense of the role the Board sees for the organization within the region and the priorities in moving towards a livable, prosperous and sustainable region.
Community Involvement: 
Home to over 2.3 million people, Metro Vancouver comprises 23 members: 21 municipalities, one electoral area and one treaty First Nation.
Workplace Environment: 
Metro Vancouver is a political body and corporate entity operating under provincial legislation as a ‘regional district’ and ‘greater boards’ that deliver regional services, policy and political leadership on behalf of 23 members.
5 Important things you should know about us!: 

1) Metro Vancouver provides core utility services (water, sewerage and drainage, and solid waste management) to members as well as regional parks & affordable housing directly to residents.
2) Metro Vancouver develops & uses an integrated system of plans to manage all activities within its legislated scope of authority towards the achievement of a sustainable region.
3) Metro Vancouver carries out planning & regulatory responsibilities related to three utilities as well as air quality, regional growth & regional parks. At the Board level, implements strategies related to issues of regional interest.
4) Metro Vancouver builds & facilitates collaborative processes, including those that engage citizens, to achieve a sustainable region.

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