Corporate Member Profile

Corporate Member Profile: 
Envirosink® will help you conserve our most precious resource WATER! The average family of 3 wastes 18 gallons a day when rinsing fruit and vegetables, or when waiting for hot or cold water. When one considers the increasing demand of water and the cost of treating water to make it potable, Envirosink® is a cost effective alternative to redirecting 'light' gray water from the kitchen to the rainbarrel to the garden. Then when you harvest the fruits and vegetables from the garden its back to the sink and the cycle begins again as this is our full circle design and best use of this precious gift of water.
Industry Leadership: 
Envirosink® is the only system that allows catchment of water at the kitchen sink to then fill your rain barrel in the dry season or where better water management is needed immediately as it saves water, power and energy and allows the recycling/reusing process to be right at home. This means that the 'light' gray water is not being transported away from the home so there is an additional savings of resources.
Community Involvement: 
We support people and organizations that help to empower communities to discover sustainable ways to ensure everyone has safe drinking water and food.
Workplace Environment: 
We work simply from doing what we love and are interested in and with partners that share our values and passion to make this world a better place.
5 Important things you should know about us!: 

We Love Water, Playing in it, Drinking it, Bathing in it, Talking about it! We Save Water at home, at work, at school and when travelling and encourage others to do the same. We Save Energy as we have a product that offers a more effective option in household water management. We Save Money as when you use the Envirosink® it reduces the cost of your water bill. Envirosink's® Inventor Ib Andersen has invented many products and he loves to share ideas that make this world a better place. Contact Ib at

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