Press Release: Vancouver’s Greenest City 2020 Action Plan wins national Sustainable Communities Award

City of Vancouver
News Release
Feb. 8, 2012
Vancouver’s Greenest City 2020 Action Plan wins national Sustainable Communities Award
The City of Vancouver was proud to accept a prestigious national award today when the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) named Vancouver a winner of a 2012 FCM Sustainable Communities Award for the City’s Greenest City 2020 Action Plan (GCAP).
Councilor Andrea Reimer accepted the award on behalf of the City at a reception and awards ceremony during FCM’s Sustainable Communities Conference in Ottawa, Ontario.
The FCM award recognizes the GCAP for its achievement in the Planning category, which celebrates sustainable community plans that establish a vision for sustainability, integrate sustainability issues across municipal departments and service areas, and set environmental targets for the municipal government and the community.
The GCAP was recognized for the bold policy implications it will have for years to come. It was also noted for the broad public input that contributed to the creation of the plan and mechanisms to support implementation and ensure community involvement.
“It’s great to see the City’s Greenest City 2020 Action Plan recognized by the FCM Sustainable Communities Awards,” said Mayor Robertson. “My thanks go out to the members of the Greenest City Action Team, our city staff, and the thousands of Vancouverites who all helped shape this plan.
“The Greenest City 2020 Action Plan puts us on a clear path towards a more healthy, resilient and prosperous city, both now and for future generations.”
Council approved the plan in July 2011 following an extensive public engagement process. City departments are now working to achieve the plan’s targets in areas such as green economy, green transportation, local food and climate leadership.
This national recognition coincides with the release of a concise version of Vancouver’s GCAP that includes an overview of the plan’s 10 goals, illustrative photos, local stories and green facts about the city. Both the concise GCAP report and the entire Council report can be found online at:<>
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