Corporate Member Profile

Corporate Member Profile: 
Dugi Otok Diving is an amazing environmentally friendly tourism experience. We are a fully PADI licenced facility and can teach from open water to advanced, and even rescue and divemaster certifications. The nature of the sport of diving is all about sustainability, we will see a lot of sea life in the protected nature parks, are committed to a no-touch foot footprint, and get to observe the beauty all around us. Advanced options include: wreck dives, night dives, and even cave dives!
Industry Leadership: 
Our dive boat runs on 100% pure bio deisel made right here in are town!
Community Involvement: 
There's lots to do on the island for kids and non-divers too!
Workplace Environment: 
Wow!!! You have to see it to believe it!!
5 Important things you should know about us!: 

1) We are within driving distance of both the Zadar and Split airports, and the island is well serviced with many resturants, beach, and nightlife.
2) We have apartments for as little as 50 Euro/ night (Sleeps 4 people)
3) On a dive we regularly see octupus, moray eels, and maybe a sea turlte if we are lucky.
4) We offer a 5% discount to all Sustainability TV members!
5) Did I mention that out boat runs on 100% Bio-deisel?

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