Blog Post: The relationship between sustainability and finance

The relationship between sustainability and finance
a natural affinity
By Jason Robinson
Sustainability will be the most important trend academically, politically, socially, and financially over the next 100 years. Looking forward the opportunity is to “dramatically increase” our standard of living – while living in harmony with the planet. An easy task as we are both the architects and stewards of this robust and magical life on “spaceship earth” with all the amenities it provides for us.
Just like any relationship Sustainability asks us to be ourselves – and to be our best selves, to not choose mediocrity but in fact to use our best minds to examine the “how” of absolutely everything we do in our society. How we move, how we build, how we eat, and the when and why we do all these things in the manner we currently choose.
It encourages us to continually ask – is there a better way?
Finance, similarly to Sustainability, empowers the “best of class thinking” for everything in our society by rewarding ingenuity, innovation, efficiency, talent and productivity.
With the developing relationship (and marriage) of Sustainability and Finance there exists at this moment in history an unbridled opportunity. This opportunity is created both from the “imbedded energy” of our global financial systems, as well as the new lens of “opportunity” with which Sustainability allows us to view the world.
With investment comes growth, opportunity, advancement and innovation – all key elements in strengthening our economic, social and environmental capital. Coupling Finance with Sustainability means – we have a system of constant improvement, a future that honours our ancestors, rises to the financial and growth opportunities of our lifetimes, and leaves a rich legacy to our children.
The time has come for us all to be fully invested and committed to relationships that serve ourselves, our families, and our communities over the long term.