Press Release: Go to School with Pocket Markets

Rocky Mountain Flatbread & Vancity
Go to School with Pocket Markets
Vancouver - The Rocky Mountain Flatbread Company has been invested in its youngest guests from the beginning. While many of Vancouver’s top restaurants are committed to the philosophy of fresh and local, Rocky Mountain Flatbread has deeper pockets than most...Pocket Markets to be precise.
With the financial support of Vancity, Rocky Mountain Flatbread launched the pilot of its Pocket Market Program together with the students of Trafalgar Elementary School in May. As another RMF-inspired initiative of youthful eco-preneurialism, the 10-week pilot was designed to educate, motivate and ultimately, make a difference in the marketplace.
Vancouver media and market-friendly ‘foodies’ are invited to join us on Tuesday, June 21 at 2:30 pm for the final Pocket Market to be hosted by the students of Trafalgar Elementary School.
Rocky Mountain Flatbread co-founder could not be more happier with all the extra work: “We’re fortunate to have a tremendous team on the Rocky Mountain Education Society who are extremely bright and generous professionals in their own right. Kim Fredrickson from Biovia Organic Link has been amazing. What they achieve when our team shares their areas of interest and expertise is what makes it so profound. The kids never fail to inspire us in return.”
As the educators of the Rocky Mountain Education Society have long learned, kids really do say the darnedest things, especially when given the opportunity to learn more about the food they eat - and do something about it.
“They have learned the importance of local/ organic foods and it really has changed how they think about food,” says Ashley House who teaches grades six and seven at Trafalgar Elementary. “The kids love learning about local and organic foods and they love organizing all the little details in the pocket market – who is going to do what position, advertising, setting up, baking for the pocket market, taking money.”
“Creating more pocket markets means there is more of chance that people will eat locally and it reduce pollution. Did you know the food travels an average of 2500 km to get on our plate that creates a lot of pollution,” explains Evie Byrne, a grade six Trafalgar student. “Pocket markets build community and we get know the families and students more. They also give a chance for local farmers to sell their produce versus supporting the big farms that use lots of pesticides.”
Fellow grade 6-er, Andrea Fraser points out another merit of their marketplace: “People think that what they buy in a supermarket is in season but it’s not – our pocket markets show people what is in season.”
Most importantly, the students and teachers are in agreement as to the program’s success and ongoing importance. Though Trafalgar Elementary will finish the pilot phase with one final Pocket Market on Tuesday, June 21, the school has already reapplied to bring the program back to the classroom. Three other Vancouver elementary schools have already expressed interest.
Note: The attached picture is of Evie Byrne – Grade 6 student at Trafalgar Elementary School selling local produce at the school pocket market.
The Rocky Mountain Flatbread Co. is a progressively-minded pizzeria featuring all-natural, handcrafted cuisine at its Vancouver locations in Kitsilano (1876 W. 1st Ave.) & Main Street (4855 Main Street – Opening the beginning of July) and Canmore, Alberta. Organic ingredients, in-house sustainability programs, environmental alliances and community outreach initiatives are all part of normal operations for this now-franchising entrepreneurial success story.
For more details on any of the Rocky Mountain Education Society programs, visit:
or contact:
Suzanne Fielden