User Namesort descending Profile Image About Me
Tricia Edgar
Trillium Energy
Trish Kelly
tsymons_co We live in Vancouver Canada and enjoy mountain biking and skiing. Our home has underfloor water heating. We have hot water solar panels on the roof for heating the house, dometic hot water and outdoor pool which is suplemented by a gas boiler. I am considering adding a heat pump into the system to utilize the solar heated water throughout the year. This would reduce our gas costs but increase electical costs.
tuna ozcuhadar
Turoa King Living in Aotearoa New Zealand, I have spent 50 years living a life with a weekly pay packet or a government social welfare benefit. During July 2016 a support worker mentioned Social Enterprise. This concept became the vehicle to carry out my hopes, aspirations, and purpose. I am in the planning stage of a startup for a social enterprise called Green Hands Social Enterprise and I am absolutely loving the journey. I am totally grateful and thankful for the people who have been a part of this.
Ty Grande
Ty Snaden
Tyler D. Moore
Tyler Leo Wardle
Tyler Plante
UI Recycling
