VictoriaJohn |
viking |
Viktorija Andrievska |
Vincent Wong |
I wish for a time in which the act and practices of sustainability will be an act of second nature, and an act of "common-sense" on the same level, if not exceeding the level of the mindset of consumerism in society today. Everyone would be practicing sustainability, and respecting the environment, without having to actively think about it on a 24/7 basis. My personal approach is to use the desires of the populace as an advantageous vehicle to drive the project of sustainability forwards. |
vinniey |
Violet Marie Pilkey |
violin12 |
viviankberg7 |
I am an entrepreneur working to help individuals prosper. I love to travel and meet local people in the community. I enjoy living on the west coast of Canada and love to be on the water in any form. I also have fun hiking, cycling, skiing, snowshoeing, and love to walk on a sandy beach.
I do my best to shop locally and support the local community. I bring my own mug/jug for drink refills. I use cloth bags for shopping and rarely use plastic bags. I do not buy bottle water. |
vivo |
vnasteva |
I am the Co-Founder and Creative Director of Lozena, a family-owned fashion house with a mission to produce luxury womenswear in an ecological, socially responsible, and transparent manner. |
WA CUP is a non-profit organisation with the aim to reduce single-use plastic around the world.
This is achieved by sending reusable items such as bottles and bags to schools in Asia with educational resources that give tips on how children can reduce their own use of single-use plastic.
You can show your support for this cause and reduce your own single-use plastic waste by purchasing a WA CUP bottle or bag from the website
walkingthelotus |
Ward D. Miller |
warren Kirilenko |
waveindia |
Wayne |
Wayne H Stevens |
I work in cooperation with key government and industry stakeholders in other countries to ensure the successful transfer of Canadian construction technologies, standards and practices for the housing sector, thereby resulting in an increased in-country capacity to provide high quality housing. |
waynedickie@gma... |
Retired RN
Founder of Victoria Goes Green Society
Working to promote environmentally neutral existence for residents of Victoria, BC, Canada
Hoping to establish "Green" Societies in Duncan, BC; Cowichan Valley, BC; Vancouver, BC; and, Toronto, BC.
Currently seeking Board of Directors for each of these Societies
Experienced commercial driver, electronics technician, tax preparer, retail dry goods store manager, community recreation supervisor, office manager, audio-visual producer and nurse. |
wcraine |