Blog Post: Seminar of “Introduction to Solar Cookers”

Razieh Amini-nejad (Food Science and Technology student), Niloufar Nekueian (Mathematics student), Fatemeh Rahimi (Mechanical engineering student)-right to left-
The seminar which “Engineers Without Borders-Iran” (EWB-Iran) held on "Research Week" ( Dec. 18, 2013) at Fasa University highlighted the importance of solar cookers. In this seminar we tried to inform students and professors of different types of solar-cookers and their efficiency. The team included Soheil Salimi (Founder/President of “Engineers Without Borders-Iran”, Lecturer), Razieh Amini-nejad (Food Science and Technology student), Niloufar Nekueian (Mathematics student), Fatemeh Rahimi (Mechanical engineering student) –right to left at the photo above-.
What`s more, we began to propound the idea of using “solar-cookers “in undeveloped villages where aren`t access to gas grid. On the other hand, we interested in introducing an environmental friendly energy source to people and encourage them to use it instead of chemical sources.
“In addition, Solar Cookers can make some jobs in undeveloped villages so it helps to eradicate the poverty there” I said as the lecturer.
Soheil Salimi (Founder/President of “Engineers Without Borders-Iran”, Lecturer of the seminar)
More ever, solar cookers are inexpensive, won`t produce any pollution, require no electricity and will save the nutrients of food. . EWB-Iran focused on solar-cooker because Iran has 300 sunny days per year in average so it would be a great way to reduce the use of fossil fuel.
“We’re so lucky since the Sun generously is giving us its light and energy as well in Iran. Solar Cooking is a sustainable method and Sustainability is the key” I added.
EWB-Iran tested 2 types of solar cookers. The suntastic cooker which is raising the internal temperature of an empty 4-liter black pot with a clear glass lid to 150 C in about 30 minutes and 3 liter of water heated from 26 C to pasteurization point, 70 C, in about 50 minutes. [1]
And Dual-setting panel cooker (DSPL) which has 2 different setting to better concentrate sunlight according to the sun altitude [2]. Our egg were cooked after 2 hours (1:30 PM to 3:30 PM) with the suntastic cooker and the soup were ready after approximately 3:30 hours with the Dual-setting-panel cooker.
Dual-setting panel cooker (DSPL)
Students of Fasa University were surprised when an interview of Mr. Jorg Ostrowski and Madame Helen Ostrowski about Solar Cookers and their sustainable EcoHome in Calgary-Canada has been presented [3], since we’re very proud to say that we hosted Mr. Ostrowski and his team for the conference of “The Silk Road to Peace” at Fasa University (Oct. 13, 2013).
Soheil Salimi (Founder/President of “Engineers Without Borders-Iran”, Lecturer of the Seminar)
“Engineers Without Borders-Iran” is so grateful to Mr. Jorg Ostrowski who introduced us Solar Cookers and “Solar Cookers International” (SCI) [4], and also we acknowledge with appreciation “Mr. Tom Sponheim, Mr. Paul Hedrick, Ms. Sharon Cousins, Mr. Jim La Joie, Mr. Bernhard Muller, Mr. Camily Wedende and Mr. Scot Frank” for their kind supports and great encouragement.
Seminar of "Introduction of Solar Cookers", Fasa University