Blog Post: The Cool Vegetarian
My Adventures in Thailand - January 2011
Easy Ways To Travel Vegetarian, Vegan or Raw.
29 hours and 3 airplanes later, I have landed in Bangkok, Thailand. Despite being a frequent flier, with over 28 other countries and over 100 flight segments each year for the past several, this is my first ever trip over the pond and to the left.
I was attracted to Thailand for many reasons:
1) As a raw food vegan, Thailand is like “paradise found” because of all of the wonderful in-season local organic fresh fruits and vegetables,
2) As a resident of Winnipeg, Canada (the coldest city over 500,000 people on record), spending 5 weeks away from winter in the tropics looking at white sand beaches, stunning sunsets and palm trees, is as close to Nirvana as we can find. Note: See my video blog ? How I have done Raw for 6 years in the Coldest City in the World?
3) As a person who has dealt with neck and back issues for decades, getting daily authentic Thai massage for 40 days in a row for less than $ 10 an hour is an opportunity too appealing to pass up. It will also serve as my own personal experiment in body transformation, and,
4) The country’s Buddhist culture and deep roots provide many opportunities for expansion of mind and spirit.
The first decision I made before I ventured onto this trip was to take a physical break from making or receiving any phone calls. Anyone who knows me personally understands how difficult this decision seemed for me especially since receiving my new I Phone 4 (insert lots of loud belly laughter here). It appeared all but impossible, but it was a necessary phone time out for me.
I am happy to report that 16 days into my travels, I have not made a phone call or checked my voice messages.
Wow! A new personal record by more than 12 days and still counting.
My routine here in Thailand has been very chill. Each day I start with yoga and meditation, then a run, walk or bike, 2-3 hours of net stuff when I can find free wif-fi, a Thai massage, 1-2 hours on the beach, and 8-10 hours of deep sleep each day. I have been running 5 days a week and walking everyday.
I have been eating very simply and locally. Each day starts with fresh fruits that I buy at a local road side wood shack/market. Most days it’s been bananas, mango, coconuts, watermelon or pineapples. Once I venture out I get a couple smoothies usually banana mango or banana pineapple or coconut and whatever they have.
For lunch I have been making my own large salads made of delicious lettuces, tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers and if I am lucky I find an avocado, but that’s rare. For snacks I have been loving the young Thai coconuts, mangosteens, rambutan, and papaya. For dinners I have been repeating the lunch and snacks.
My food costs are averaging about $10 a day on this routine and so far I have maintained my weight (Note: I am not trying to lose).
On my website I have loaded a video blog from Thailand entitled “One Raw Night in Bangkok” and will soon be adding more on my travels once I find a high speed internet connection. The net speeds here in rural Thailand are slower than dial-up circa 1992. My next stop is Cambodia which apparently is even slower. A real exercise in patience, understanding and empathy.
I guess the Buddhist teachings are working. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale.
Jeff Golfman - Has been vegetarian for 21+ years and 100% raw vegan for the past 6.5. You can follow his blogs at : Thailand video blogs include: tips for overseas raw vegan travel, my New Year’s fasting detox at a Thai spa for 8 days, how to open a coconut, Elephant camps and racing in Bangkok.