Blog Post: Green Today or Gone Tomorrow

It isn’t always easy being green, but in this new blog series I would like to show you little easy steps that everyone can take in the green direction. Being kind to our earth and making sustainable choices doesn’t have to overwhelming or expensive, little changes can build up over time and help you live a happier, healthy more sustainable life!
Follow me on my journey as I share little steps, tips and tricks on how to green today so our beautiful environment isn’t gone tomorrow.
Today I’m going to share with you a recipe for homemade dishwashing soap. Many of the liquid dish soaps sold in stores today can have up to ten different indigents and lots of harsh chemicals. There is a wise little saying going around,
“If you can’t put in your mouth, why would you put on your skin?”
…and on your dishes no less? This sentiment inspired me to find alternatives for washing my dishes.
A little digging around brought me to recipe using a versatile magically main ingredient Castile soap.
Castile soap is derived from olive oil and its use as soap dates back centuries. Castile soap is extremely versatile and has many different uses. It is fairly easy to purchase and I found Dr. Bronner’s brand castile soap at my local Whole Foods on sale no less. Dr. Bronners soap comes in many different varieties I purchased lavender scented though they had many alluring scents (almond, citrus and peppermint to name a few)
Lavender Dish soap
1/2 cup Castile Soap
1-cup water
Mix together. That’s it! So easy
I store mine in a glass dispenser next to my sink and use it everyday. Though you don’t get as many bubbles as the commercial varieties soon you’ll be hooked on this natural solution.
Even to this day, I have to say it just blows my mind as to the usability of olive oil, even if it dates back to ancient times. I have been reading about the different uses of olive oils and I am going to bookmark this page to my list.