News: New internet based tool helps food and drink companies assess supply chain risks when improving sustainability

The argument for a transformation in food and drink logistics is becoming more and more compelling.
Rising population combined with an increased demand for food will undoubtedly lead to more production, more deliveries on increasingly overloaded transport networks and more damaging emissions. Companies will be driven (either by legislation, consumer opinion or cost) to consider the social and environmental impact of their supply chain decisions alongside economic performance (i.e. the adoption of the Triple Bottom Line).
But if this is the case, how can a company begin to assess the impact of the decisions it needs to make? Where do the opportunities lie? And the risks?
Cranfield University, as part of Project SCALE, has launched an internet based tool to help companies assess supply chain risks for food and drink networks. This tool helps managers identify potential ‘hotspots’ along the supply chain by identifying and assessing risks and highlighting their potential impact on future economic, social and environmental performance.
The supply chain risk tool is free to use and can be accessed at:
Step Change in Agri-Food Logistics Ecosystems (Project SCALE) is a three year project which has been working with food and drink companies across North West Europe to develop the tools and frameworks required to help them improve the efficiency and sustainability of their food and drink logistics.
Partly funded by INTERREG IVB North-West Europe, the 5 partners of the Project are Cranfield University, DHL, EFFP, University of Wageningen and University of Artois.
To find out more about Project SCALE please visit