Event: Boss Mosses of the Pacific Northwest

Thursday, September 15, 2016 - 19:30 to 21:30
Event Description: 

Boss Mosses of the Pacific Northwest.

A free public talk for the Botany Section of Nature Vancouver

Speaker: Kem Luther.

Meeting time & location: Sept 15th, 7:30 pm. Unitarian Centre, 949 West 49th Avenue (at Oak Street), Vancouver.

Description of the talk: Contrary to what many botanists believe, it is easy to recognize the most common mosses without a microscope and, in most cases, without even a hand lens. Learn tricks for recognizing mosses, discover the unusual habits of these ancient members of the plant kingdom, and explore what they contribute to local ecosystems. Find out which Vancouver resident mosses would be if they were a person. Kem Luther's talk is based on a chapter of his new book, Boundary Layer http://stegnon.com.

About the speaker: Kem Luther, a naturalist and writer, moved from a home on Ontario’s Grand River to the southern tip of Vancouver Island in 2004. He grew up in the Nebraska Sandhills, studied at Loyola (Chicago), Cornell, the University of Chicago, York University and the University of Toronto, and taught at Eastern Mennonite University, Sheridan College, York University, and the University of Toronto. Kem is the author of several books.