Blog Post: Yvonne's Healthy Living Blog

Winter Training and Motivation
Beating the winter blues to a better you
Finding balance amidst juggling shorter days and busy work schedules can
be challenging - especially with our bodies deprived of essential vitamin
D and in hibernation mode. Developing a routine that keeps us motivated
during cold, icy spells is of extreme importance to help combat gaining
those extra 5 lbs. in addition to keeping winter blues at bay.

Engaging in outdoor activities during daylight hours is the most beneficial way to keep yourself active and happy in achieving your goals. The fresh air and cooler temperatures help our bodies acclimatize. We become rejuvenated by being in the elements which allows us more energy throughout the weeks. Incorporating even a 10-15 min. walk outside during our lunch hour can help provide that feeling of well-being we desperately require.
Now is the time to sign up for new activities: Zumba classes, Aquacise and even Salsa lessons can be fun, and being with like-minded individuals
is inspiring and will keep us active in the early evenings when sitting on the couch could easily become habitual. Engaging in regular aerobic
exercise such as running, spinning classes, and swimming will ensure an endorphin high in addition to maximum caloric burn.
Hitting the weights at least twice a week is also a great way to build a base. Building muscle throughout the winter months can help to ensure our joints are stabilized for more strenuous activities as we become more active in the months to come.
Weekends can be viewed as prime time to participate in family oriented pursuits. Activities such as skiing, skating and even tobogganing will provide hours of outdoor activity that everyone can enjoy; in addition to setting positive examples for youngsters. Yoga and Tai Chi can also ensure flexibility and the overall mind/body experience, and hot yoga can be a great way to escape the cold for a bit while cleansing toxins from the body.
Whatever your activity, the important thing is to get out there and enjoy yourself… and if you’re not much of a winter person, remember, summer’s always only a few months away.
So keep active and stay fit!
Until next time,
