Blog Post: Choose a sustainable holiday. Breathe the sea air of Bibione, Italy

Forget about the ordinary summer vacation where you do nothing but laying on the beach all day long and eat at the hotel restaurant. There is at least one place in Italy that will amaze you with the numerous opportunities of spending your free time at the seaside in a ‘sustainable’ way. It was a tough choice for me, but Bibione, on the Adriatic Sea coast of Italy, was the destination I finally selected for this summer.
Uita de vacanta obisnuita de vara cand nu faci nimic altceva decat sa stai pe plaja toata ziua si sa mananci la restaurantul hotelului. Exista cel putin un loc in Italia care te va uimi cu numeroasele posibilitati de a petrece timpul liber la mare intr-un mod ‘sustenabil’. A fost o alegere dificila, dar Bibione, pe coasta Italiana a Adriaticii, a fost destinatia selectata in final pentru aceasta vara.
Founded in the fifties, Bibione welcomes about 6 million tourists each summer season. That is a lot for a medium size resort. To enjoy all that has to offer at perfect temperature of 25-30 degrees and also to avoid the crowding period, the best months to spend your holiday here are June and September.
Fondata in anii cincizeci, Bibione gazduieste aproximativ 6 milioane de turisti in fiecare sezon de vara. Sunt foarte multi pentru o statiune de marime medie. Pentru a va bucura de tot ce are de oferit la o temperatura perfecta de 25-30 grade si pentru a evita aglomeratiile, cele mai bune luni pentru a petrece aici vacanta sunt iunie si septembrie.
Respira il mare! Breathe the sea air! This is the reason that attracted me in the first place and made me think of travelling here. It is forbidden to smoke in the area from the first row of beach umbrellas to the sea, since summer of 2014. Walking or jogging along the blue flag beach with white sand on a distance of 8 km between the harbor and lighthouse (main attraction point) is a wonderful experience that cannot be missed.
Respira il mare! Respira aerul de mare! Este motivul care m-a atras in primul rand si m-a facut sa ma gandesc la a calatori aici. Din vara lui 2014 e interzis fumatul in portiunea dintre primul rand de umbrele de pe plaja si mare. Plimbarile si jogging-ul de-a lungul plajei cu steag albastru si nisip alb pe o distanta de 8 km intre port si far (principala atractie a statiunii) este o experienta minunata ce nu ar trebui ratata.
While on the beach, you cannot miss, from place to place, the cute message written on the three recycle bins sets: “the beach is also yours, please use me always” with a smile attached. A gentle reminder to keep everything clean and throw away separately the bottles, paper and waste.
In timp ce te afli pe plaja, nu ai cum sa ratezi, din loc in loc, mesajul haios de pe seturile de cate trei cosuri de colectare: “plaja este si a ta, te rog sa ma folosesti intotdeauna” insotit de un zambet. Un memento delicat pentru a pastra totul curat si a arunca separate sticlele, hartia si resturile alimentare.
Being an open air exercise addicted and a devoted cyclist while in vacation, Passeggiata Adriatico - the cycle and pedestrian path which runs parallel to the beach - clearly convinced me this is the place for me to go this summer. In total there are more than 30 KM of cycle paths, suitable for all ages, all separated from the footpaths by flowers and shrubs. Amazing and diverse scenery for the hungry eyes of the tourists.
Fiind o dependenta a miscarii in aer liber si o biciclista devotata in timpul vacantelor, Passeggiata Adriatico – pista de biciclete si pietonala paralela cu plaja – m-a convins clar ca acesta este locul pe care trebuie sa-l vizitez in aceasta vara. In total sunt mai multi de 30 KM de piste de biciclete, potrivite pentru toate varstele, toate fiind separate de caile pietonale prin flori si arbusti. Peisaje uimitoare si diverse pentru ochii infometati de frumos ai turistilor.
Moving around in total freedom, on two wheels or on foot it’s the best way to explore the surrounding natural environment, but also the city.
Each day after 7 pm, the main street (Viale Aurora) with the many restaurants, ice-cream shops and boutiques become a long pedestrian and cycle trail till midnight.
Deplasarea in libertate absoluta, pe doua roti sau pe jos, e cea mai buna modalitate de a explora mediul natural inconjurator, dar si orasul.
In fiecare zi dupa ora 19.00, strada principala (Viale Aurora) cu numeroasele ei restaurante, gelaterii si magazine, devine drum pietonal si pista de biciclete pana la miezul noptii.
Hectares of wild, natural landscape are surrounding Bibione. Reserve one afternoon and head to the famous lighthouse. Part of the cycle path is wood fenced and crosses the pine forest and also the beach. You can imagine the air you breathe while enjoying your way there.
Hectare de mediu natural si salbatic inconjoara Bibione. Rezerva-ti o dupa-masa si mergi la faimosul far. O parte din traseul pentru biciclete este marginit de un gard de lemn si traverseaza padurea de pini si plaja. Imagineaza-ti ce aer respiri in timp ce te bucuri de drumul pana acolo.
Upon your arrival to the lighthouse, enjoy the waves’ sound crashing into the rocks and the wild environment covered with sand dunes. It’s that moment when you get the most relaxed and wish you never want to leave. There is something special about this place.
Odata ce-ai ajuns la far, bucura-te de sunetul valurilor lovindu-se de pietre si de mediul salbatic acoperit cu dune de nisip. Este acel moment in care te cuprinde relaxarea si ai vrea sa nu mai pleci niciodata. Acest loc are ceva special.
Not to be missed are the farm houses from the close vecinity, so you can try the local organic products. Some of the most bought products in the summertime, and what I also tried, are the strong flavored melons and peaches.
Nu trebuie ratate fermele din imprejurimi, pentru a incerca produsele organice productie proprie. Unele dintre cele mai cumparate produse vara si ce am incercat si eu, sunt pepenii galbeni cu aroma puternica si piersicile.
If you spend at least one week in Bibione, it worth a day trip to Venice. Take the water public transportation - vaporetto (boat) and go to piazza San Marco, then lose yourself on foot on the streets and enjoy a natural Grom ice-cream - il gelato come una volta (ice-cream like use to be made). Since 2002, Grom is using only fresh fruit for preparation and no artificial aromas or chemical additives. A unique ice-cream that you can only find in few places of the world.
Daca petreci cel putin o saptamana in Bibione, merita sa faci o excursie de o zi la Venetia. Foloseste transportul public pe apa – vaporetto si mergi la piazza San Marco, apoi rataceste-te intr-o plimbare pe strazile Venetiei si savureaza o inghetata naturala Grom - il gelato come una volta (inghetata cum se facea odata). Din 2002, Grom foloseste doar fructe proaspete si fara arome atrtificiale sau aditivi chimici. O inghetata unica pe care o gasesti doar in cateva locuri din lume.
Buy one full day ticket for vaporetto and you can hop-on and hop-off where you want. Burano island is very close to Venice and a wonderful place to visit. Very cheerful with its vivid color houses and extremely welcoming. What amazed me were the several public fountains with great water for drinking. Everyone should carry a reusable bottle and enjoy the tap water.
And most important – no cars can be seen here. You can get to Burano only by water. It’s such a small island that you can get easily by foot anywhere. Even not a bike needed.
Cumpara un bilet de o zi intreaga cu vaporetto si poti sa urci si sa cobori cand vrei. Insula Burano este foarte aproape de Venetia si un loc minunat de vizitat. Este foarte vesela cu toate acele case in colori vii si extrem de primitoare. Ceea ce m-a surprins placut au fost fantanile publice cu apa foarte buna pentru baut. Fiecare ar trebui sa aiba o sticla reutilizabila pentru a savura aceasta apa.
Si foarte important – nici o masina nu e vazuta aici. Poti sa ajungi la Burano doar pea pa. E o insula atat de mica incat poti sa mergi doar pe jos oriunde. Nici macar de bicicleta nu ai nevoie.
After few days spent here, in a natural and clean environment, you’ll be fully refreshed and energized.
If you will fall in love with the green soul of Bibione and its surroundings, share this with others.
Give a try to a sustainable holiday and be the inspiration for those around you.
Dupa ce ai petrecut cateva zile aici, intr-un mediu natural si curat, vei fi complet odihnit si energizat.
Daca te indragostesti de sufletul verde al lui Bibione si a imprejurimilor sale, impartaseste acest lucru si cu altii.
Incearca o vacanta sustenabila si inspira-i pe cei din jurul tau.