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Narges M
Natalia Gonzalez I am a fourth year Entrepreneurial Leadership student & the Coordinator for the Community Adult Literacy Program at Kwantlen University. I strongly believe that CSR & the Triple Bottom Line are the new evolved business models. My sustainable habits include composting & recycling. I try to be a conscious consumer that supports sustainable companies, & I always carry a water bottle and coffee mug with me in order to reduce my waste. I love writing, reading, kayaking & going for long hikes.
Natalie Hill
Natasha Davidson
Natasha Delfina...
Natasha Milijasevic
Natasha Pelak
Nathan Holwell
nedhalaby Marketing professional working for SCS Global Services which provides sustainability certifications for a agriculture, horticulture, natural resources and consumer products.
Neeven Soodyall
Neha Singh
Nereu Paez Hi! My name is Nereu and I'm from Brazil. I hope to learn more from everyone about sustainability :)!
Nerida Lennon
Nerissa Dowling All star Eco gal. Mega passionate about the planet keeping it green and lean doin it for the team. I like to keep things simple. Creator of Everything Eco and The Softer Earth Team
New West Chamber
New World Expo The New World Expo - A we CAN do it NOW" - PUBLIC expo Consumers want to live a "Be Green" lifestyle. The "Green and Sustainable" products and services market is growing rapidly. Technology is changing, the whole world is adjusting. NWE wants to show consumers - whats available - how easy it is - they will save money as well as some blue sky - It is a community effort as well
