Blog Post: The World is a Mirror of Our Unhealed Selves

While a large part of the USA is experiencing severe drought and California is ablaze with forest fires, the snowstorm Achilles dropped over a foot of snow onto Minnesota and western Wisconsin a few weeks ago.
Indigenous spiritual leaders, often called shamans or medicine men/women, believe that extreme weather conditions are a reflection of a spiritual imbalance—that our thoughts of fear, guilt, anger, etc. are being reflected by the environment.
To help remedy the situation, spiritual leaders perform healing ceremonies to help heal the people. Change our thoughts, change the world! But, people have to be willing to change. The spiritual leaders don't force the change—they can only coax and explain on a spiritual level. Every person that agrees, even if unconsciously, allows the negativity to be released to the heavens for healing. Once enough people agree, a tipping point is reached, and the balance is restored.
In addition, the spiritual leaders will talk with the consciousness of the weather entities to ask them for a desired outcome. For example, in California, a spiritual leader might talk with the sky, asking it to form rain clouds and release their precious rainwater. In Minnesota and Wisconsin, the spiritual leader might request that the arctic jet streams recede, allowing the warm southern winds to enter. Each request depends on what the spiritual leader learns while communicating with the divine spirits.
In a strange way, the bizarre weather patterns are bringing our fears to the surface, allowing us to face what has been hidden in our unconscious minds, providing an opportunity for healing. Spiritual leaders are skilled at helping mankind remember its divinity, but each of us is capable of providing healing for ourselves and others.
Below is a healing meditation technique for everyday use:
- Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
- Envision a golden ball of light above your head.
- Imagine the light coming down through the crown of your head, entering your body, slowly moving downward.
- When it reaches your feet, imagine it circling you, moving up until it fully encompasses your body.
- Once you are immersed in the light, imagine it extending around the room, then your home or building. See it extend over your community, city, state and country. See it fully engulf the world.
Your loving energy will impact the entire universe, because we are One!
Shaman Elizabeth Herrera is a healer and author who writes life-changing books. She is the author of Shaman Stone Soup, Dreams of Dying and Earth Sentinels: The Storm Creators.