Submission Criteria

Power to the people...

Sustainability Television is a place where we can all learn from each other. Our members help lift-up the entire global community through the sharing of positive, solution-oriented stories that are replicated all around the world!!

We provide our members (and each other) with thousands of ideas for improving your health, your home, and community. What’s going on in your neighbourhood that other can learn from?

Become a Video Journalist or Guest Blogger today! 

Volunteer, or just tell a Friend

See our team's Wish List for other ways to help.

Submission Criteria

Check-out the Style Guide before getting started.

Whether you are uploading videos or embedding links, our terms of use require that you are the owner, or have permission to upload any of any content you share on Sustainability Television.

Acceptable Formats
Images: jpg, img, gif, bmp, swf
Videos: avi, mpeg, mpg, mov, rm, flv, wmv, 3gp, mp4, m4v, f4v.

(We recommend file sizes under 50mb, 
the larger the file size the longer it will take to upload... Please be patient)

You can map locate the content you share connecting your stories with people in your community and around the world. The opportunities for innovative stories have no limits, we look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Visit My Profile to get started now!