Blog Post: Let Your Imagination Go Green: The Generation Green Awards

If you could have $12 250 to put for your own green initiative into place and increase the environmental sustainability in Vancouver, what would you do? Would you increase your community’s recycling initiatives, tackle energy conservation, or encourage green transportation? Whatever your idea may be, the Vancouver Foundation’s Generation Green Contest wants to hear about it.
In celebration of Vancouver’s 125th anniversary, the Vancouver Foundation has decided to encourage the affinity of today's youth for sustainable initiatives by providing the opportunity for young people to receive one of 20 grants to help fund and promote their green ideas.
Catherine Clement, the vice-president of communications for the Vancouver Foundation, is thrilled to promote the contest because of the positive light it sheds on upcoming generations. She says that the Vancouver Foundation strongly believes that the environmental mentality of today’s youth marks a turning point in environmental awareness within our society.
The Generation Green Contest has three separate parts. First and foremost, there is the call for environmentally aware ideas of all kinds, big and small. Winning entries in this first category will be awarded a grant of either $1,250 or $12,250 to put towards their ideas. The focus of the project is here, because of the Vancouver Foundation’s belief in the abilities of Vancouver’s youth. Clement says that the Vancouver Foundation is passionate about supporting unique and revolutionary initiatives, and truly any idea could win a prize. There are no particular expectations for the winning ideas, so if you think your idea could have a positive effect on your community, then it has merit!
Secondly, there is a Green Quiz that anyone can take online. Each week there will be a question that not only tests the environmental awareness of Vancouverites, but also provide knowledge about Vancouver’s sustainable initiatives. Prizes such as iTunes™ gift cards, movie passes, and Starbucks™ coupons will be awarded to participants.
Thirdly, there will be a photo contest on the Generation Green website that will encourage interaction with the website as it follows the efforts of the prize-winners’ work this summer. Any photo demonstrating environmental awareness can be submitted.
Whether you want to enter your own idea to win one of the Generation Green awards for this summer, or are just interested in learning more about these initiatives, the Generation Green website is a great resource to expand your environmental knowledge.
Age 6-12
3 awards of $1,250
3 awards of $12,250
Age 13-17
3 awards of $1,250
3 awards of $12,250
Age 18-24
4 awards of $1,250
4 awards of $12,250
Applicants must be between the ages of 6 and 24.
Applicants under the age of 14 need an adult’s signature to apply.
Applicants can submit ideas individually or in a group.
Chosen ideas must be implemented this summer, within greater Vancouver.
Applications are due Friday, March 4.
Go to for more information.
Go to to take the weekly online quiz!
Questions and inquires can be directed to or 604-688-2204.
Sustainability Television will have more updates on Generation Green as the grants are awarded and the initiatives are put into place across Vancouver! Stay tuned.
Let your imagination go green!