Chris Canady is a biologist who studied birds among other things and has lived in Ecuador over 20 years. He now runs Omaere Botanical Garden with his Shuar wife Teresa. Both have a love for knowledge, plants, sustainability, and conservation. Chris was distracted during his interviews by a variety of rain forest birds that were around us in a beautiful forest his wife planted by hand.


Directed by Denise Dragiewicz and Marc Dragiewicz

A small group of Ecuadorians, united under the name of Itapoa, are buying up remaining land in the Choco Rainforest of Ecuador.  Only 5% of its original size, very little of which is protected, the Choco once covered the northern lowlands from the base of the Andes to the Pacific.  Logged and cut for banana production, the area is now being transformed into a sea African Oil Palm Plantations.  Remnants of this little-known forest persist in the few roadless areas at the base of the Andes, which continue to be difficult to access.

This is an orphanage we visited in Ruhija, Uganda. They are supported by Gorilla Mist Camp . Revenue from tourists who stay at the camp sponsors the orphanage and other development in the community. Ruhija is a beautiful place to see gorillas. The high elevation of this park entrance means thicker, more impressive forest. Gorilla Mist Camp is a great place to stay if you want to support local communities bordering the park, which is necessary to protect the forest where the gorillas live.