Green Wednesdays is co-hosted by Kwantlen’s School of Horticulture and Green Ideas Network. This monthly series event is now in its 6th year of environmental evenings. Challenging and inspiring award-winning documentaries, spirited dialogue, guest speakers, light refreshments and door prizes. Everyone welcome.
Join us for 2 films tonight and learn about the benefits of growing local food in your community. “The Sharing Farm” (14 min) takes you to Richmond, BC where a small group of determined volunteers grow a fruit-sharing program into something much bigger...a community movement that helps the poor and aids food security.
Please join us for GREEN WEDNESDAYS, our monthly environmental evenings with the Green Ideas Network and Kwantlen's School of Horticulture. Challenging movies, spirited dialogue, informative speakers.
Movie screening tonight: "The Economics of Happiness" (67 min) Doors Open 6:30 PM. Film begins 7:00 PM.
Feature Film: "The End of the Line" (54 min)
The End of the Line reveals the impact of over-fishing on our oceans and stresses the urgency for sustainable fishing practices. Filmed across the world - from the Straits of Gilbraltar to the coasts of Senegal and Alaska to the Tokyo fish market - featuring top scientists, indigenous fishermen and fisheries enforcement officials, The End of the Line is a wake-up call to the world. View the trailer on our website.