Blog Post: Cooking, Cameras and a Vancouver Library Card

The expedition is over a month away, yet the preparation process is surprisingly time consuming. I am doing everything from cooking to camera shopping.
I had a successful cookie baking business venture, in which I baked batches of 'almost organic' ginger snap cookies by the dozen and sold them to friends and family. Another fundraising opportunity arose during the Abbotsford International Air Show, when my grandparents (who conveniently live near the airport) threw a party. I sat in the shade of an umbrella and sold my cookies, lavender sachets (which were given to me by my godmother for that very purpose) and ice packs (after all, I am going to the frozen continent) while the airplanes did acrobatics in the sky above. An odd combination, but a successful one! Sales have generated approximately $400 towards my expedition.
My present 7.2 mega pixel Sony digital camera has served me well over the years, it takes decent shots, but requires a little extra effort and a lot of deleting. It is time for an upgrade, especially if I expect to take fantastic shots in 24 hour sunlight. After an expedition to the camera department of London Drugs, I returned with no camera and a lot to think about. I had spoken to members of the Abbotsford Photo Arts Club prior to, and it appears there has been an epic battle waging between the Canon users and the Nikon users for quite some time. I went camera shopping with an open mind, but left leaning towards Nikon.
I took a trip into Vancouver, to look for library books from my reading list. The Central Vancouver Library Branch is absolutely amazing! There was an entire book shelf dedicated to Antarctica, not to mention the row on Antarctic zoology. I left with a new library card and ten books!
Days remaining until expedition: 132 days
Books read from reading list: 3*/26
Website links followed from reading list: 1/23
* The Endurance Shackleton's Legendary Expedition by Caroline Alexander with Frank Hurley pictures, Explore Antarctica by Louise Crossley and Penguins by Frans Lanting
posted by OliviaRempel on 2009-07-22 02:23:22
December this year I will embark upon a truly unique adventure. Along with 69 international students (from Canada, the USA, Mexico, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Palestine, Portugal and Israel) and a team of polar specialists and other passionate individuals, I will study climate change and other subjects for two weeks onboard a heavy duty research vessel. Did I mention this will all take place in Antarctica? For anyone who has dreamed of exploring the world’s most rugged locations, Antarctica is one of the top destinations on any adventurer’s list. With a million shades of blue, glaciers towering above the clouds, and an ocean alive with marine life, Antarctica is truly an other-worldly experience. This unique opportunity is hosted by an award-winning organization called Students On Ice. Their mandate is to provide high school and University students from around the world with inspiring educational opportunities at the ends of our earth by offering expeditions to the North and South poles.
I feel extremely fortunate to have been given this opportunity. Very few people ever get the chance to experience the Antarctic and even fewer are still in high school when they do. However, participating in this expedition is not as simple as being accepted and then catching an airplane. There is quite a lot of pre-expedition work to do, including studying in preparation for the educational program and raising the funds needed to cover the expenses. Although Students On Ice is a non-profit organization, there are still many expedition expenses (including airfare, accommodations, meals and other costs) which must be paid for by each participant. Following the expedition, participants are expected to give presentations outlining what they have experienced in order to educate their community. In this blog, I will track my progress before, during and after the expedition. Wish me luck!
Days remaining until expedition: 158 days
Money left to raise: $12,250 + airfare to Toronto
Books read from the reading list: 0/26
Website links followed from the reading list: 1/23
Books read, related, but not on the reading list: 3*
* Gorgeously Green by Sophie Uliano, Ecoholic: When You’re Addicted to the Planet by Adria Vasil (books about sustainability) and Ice Bound: A Doctor’s Incredible Battle for Survival at the South Pole by Dr. Jerri Nielsen
In the expedition spirit!
~Olivia Rempel