Video: New ERA Of TRansit from SkyTran

Video Description:
Here is a technology advocated by Steve Pelman who has been invited around the world to watch the tech be developed. He has created to-date an 11 k hit video showing routes of this new tech for Vancouver and the benefits and costs it will alleviate as well as revenues, investors , developers and the city would earn. these revenues would help sustain old trains and buses now in the system. Steve Pelman is a business owner and investor in Vancouver.
Video also available on You Tube:
Unbelievably this passive, inexpensive magnetic levitating system works on now moving parts. I haev seen it work in San Jose and Tel Aviv. Its just a matter of when people start to understand that modular poles and guideways above ground surpass roads, maintenance, stoplights and fatalities. This automated system is far safer with computerized redundancies in each pod.
4 person pods take only 100 watts per mile by far the cheapest transit on the planet with hope of curtailing the 600 Million cars daily commuting and all the time lost.
Free presentation every Thursday night at 1240 Seymour RSVP 604-771-7177